Credit Repair

The big reason why individuals don’t have high credit fico scores is because they simply don’t have the revolving debt or their credit debt is over extended. Simply put, if you’re not making a monthly payment towards credit debt, then the credit bureaus don’t have anything to credit your score with, and being over extended can hurt your score drastically. So try to use your revolving credit cards as much as possible and reduce your credit debt to at least 30% of the credit limit. If you don’t have any credit card debt, below is a good source:

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Opensky is one of the better sources that will help you increase your score very quickly. If you have zero credit card debt, I would get three secured cards. It’s always good to have three revolving credit cards to help boost your credit fico score as quickly as possible, this can be done within 45 days. Remember, the more times you send in a payment, the quicker you can get more points, but the trick is keeping your credit cards always under 30% of the credit limit. Below is a free credit boost provided by Experian:

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Most open collections only hurt your credit score once, that’s when they’re reported, but they don’t really hurt your score once they’ve been on your credit for some time. These days, most lenders don’t even request these open collections to be paid off and the statue of limitation is typically 3 to 4 years, once they’ve reach the statue of limitation stage, you can reach out to the the three credit bureaus (listed below) and request to have them removed based on the statue of limitation, check with your state on the statue of limitation periods.

It’s essential to know that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects you from creditor harassment. In some cases, debt collectors seek repayment of an alleged unpaid debt after the statute of limitations has expired. The statute of limitations is a finite period that creditors or collection agencies can sue a debtor or request collection for debt.

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After the statute of limitation expires, the creditor no longer has the power to file a lawsuit against you or contact you regarding an outstanding debt. This information is excellent news for consumers drowning in multiple old debts, but the creditor or debt collector does have three years (from the date of the last payment on an account) to sue someone for a debt they owe, adding more years on a debt that’s owed. You can dispute anything that’s on your credit by going to the three bureaus listed below:

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Experian – Check Your Free Credit Report & FICO® Score – Experian

Go to CREDIT, then directly to Dispute, no fee required.

Equilfax – Equifax | Credit Bureau | Check Your Credit Report & Credit Score

Use the Equifax Complete for $9.95 per month and get your ID restoration so you can submit your dispute. This is the only Bureau that needs a fee to file a dispute.

Transunion – Credit Report, Credit Scores & Credit Lock | TransUnion

Go under products, scroll down to disputes credit report , go to start a dispute, no fee.

It’s pretty easy to build your credit or to file disputes to help increase your credit score, so stop paying expensive credit clearing companies to do something you can do on your own. Once you dispute an item on your report, the creditor has up to 30 days to respond, if they fail to respond, the bureau will automatically remove the debt in question, the Bureaus will keep you posted or you can check on status through their portals.

You can dispute all collections, even closed collections and any late payments as well, you can dispute any items every 30 days. This is exactly what a credit clearing company does for their monthly fee, they hope to remove collections and late payments by catching the creditor off guard, if they don’t respond within the 30 days, the bureaus will remove the item in question. We hope this helps in clearing and increasing your credit score.